Yasunaga M, Oumi N, Osaki M, Kazuki Y, Nakanishi T, Oshimura M and Sato K: Establishment and characterization of a transgenic mouse model for in vivo
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Kubiura M, Hiratsuka M, Ito K, Osaki M, Oshimura M and Tada M:Long-term maintenance of human iPS cell-derived
hepatic progenitor cells.第34回日本分子生物学会年会, 2011年12月,横浜市
Sugimoto Y, Osaki M, Yoshioka Y, Takeshita F, Kosaka N, Oshimura M and Ochiya T:Idendification of lung
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Suenaga Y, Sakaki R, Onuma K, Murakami A, Tanaka H, Hamada J, Kobayashi M, Fujii J and Okada F: Development of a quantitative bioassay to assess preventive
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Tanaka H, Ikuta K, Hosoki T, Sasaki K, Nakamura M, Akutsu H, Torimoto Y, Kohgo Y, Li Z and Glass J: A novel iron facilitator LS081 inhibits
HIF-1αprotein expression and functions as an anticancer agent. Proceedings of 70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, p369, 第70回日本癌学会学術総会,2012年9月,名古屋市
Osaki M, Sugimoto Y, Chinen H, Takeshita F, Ochiya T, Ito H and Oshimura M: Identification of lung metastasis inhibitory miR-143 target genes in human
osteosarcoma cells. Proceedings of 70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, p455, 第70回日本癌学会学術総会,2012年9月,名古屋市
Sasaki K, Ikuta K, Tanaka H, Ichiki K, Ito S, Ohtake T, Fujita M, Torimoto Y and Kohgo Y: Tumor growth inhibition by transduction of hepcidine-20, -22
genes. Proceedings of 70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, p499, 第70回日本癌学会学術総会,2012年9月,名古屋市
Takeshita F, Osaki M, Sugimoto Y, Kosaka N, Yoshioka Y, Oshimura M and Ochiya T:MicroRNA Therapy for Inhibition
of Lung Metastasis of Osteosarcoma.Keystone Symposia, MicroRNA and Non-coding RNA and Cancer, Fairmont Banff Spring, February, 2011, Alberta, Canada